Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today while I was at work the big task at home was to find the boys' spikes from last year's baseball season (they weren't found); then try them on (couldn't); then, if needed, head to the store to find appropriate spikes (mission: accomplished!).

My co-worker had a coupon they could use, so Kevin stopped by before heading to the store. It was neat because the kids got to stop in and see for the first time what it is that I do when I leave the house. I don't think they wanted to leave!

But leave they did, and found what they were looking for at the store. Even Charlie, who is not old enough to play this year, got a pair of spikes. Meredith, who actually learned to say "spikes" for the trip, did not get any. Maybe next year, Mere. Maybe next year.

Practice: three days away

Opening Day: four days away

Life is good.

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