Wednesday, August 27, 2008


We are experiencing the '50s lifestyle this week as we have only one car at the moment. Every day Kevin asks if I want to drop him off at work, but the thought of waking the boys before they're ready just doesn't seem worth it. These past few days have been nice, actually. I think it helps that Charlie has been sleeping through the night (don't jinx myself again!).

The house is cleaner, there are more elaborate meals ("elaborate" is a relative term), and the boys have been playing really great together. It seems that when we had a car the boys were constantly asking where we were going next. Maybe I need to rethink our days. They had fun making tiger masks, talking about how they were going to wrestle Daddy the Gorilla when he got home. They built a tent and pretended to be bears hibernating (one of my favorite games). They played baseball--of course! And the day hasn't been fight-free, but it's been nice overall.

It probably has helped that the weather hasn't been all that great, so it's not like if we did have a car we'd be at the pool or zoo. But with school starting in two weeks (Lou on September 9th and Ben on the 11th), I think I may review the need to get out of the house every day. There's plenty to do around here and we enjoy doing it.

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