Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Great suggestion, Benny!

Somewhat out of the blue, we had a really fun day. It started off by going with Aunt Joanie to get her wedding dress (yay!) and used our Frisch's Halloween coupons for lunch (Big Boys & cherry cokes!). All throughout lunch Benny kept saying that we should go to the zoo. Non-stop.

For the end of November it was actually a beautiful day and after lunch with Joanie and Grandma we headed to our beloved zoo. Louie thought the above picture was hilarious and had me take a picture of it. (I guess he gets his sense of humor from me because I thought it was pretty funny, too.)

I felt like Miley Cyrus on her 16th birthday, when Disneyland shut down just for her. We didn't see anyone there when we first arrived, and only a few as we walked through the park. It was awesome! Christmas music playing and decorations everywhere. Even the animals seemed to be enjoying it.

I was completely freaked out by these bats. I try not to come into this particular exhibit but Ben insisted. Maybe they sensed my fear, but the boys were pretty intimidated by these large bats and wanted to leave immediately. As soon as we rushed to the automatic door a bird started squawking like nothing I've ever heard, in an almost baritone, and I pretty much trampled my offspring to get away.

As nice as the weather was, it still was a bit chilly and when we sought refuge at inside exhibits I was reminded that I am pregnant. Every building had the stench of a port-o-let on a sweltering July day. It was awful. I try to breath through my mouth, but then my mind tells me that I have that smell in my mouth and that may be worse. Wouldn't I be a fun zoo date?!

They have these blow-up lawn decorations all through the park and the boys particularly liked this one and wanted their picture taken with it. Not sure when we'll get back to the zoo, as it looks like a lot of snow is in the not-so-distant forecast. We'll head back with Daddy at night to see the lights and the 4-D movie of Polar Express. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

We ended up at the zoo yesterday too! Maybe we passed you on our way in! :) Hopefully we'll see you all next week sometime!