Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Postponing the Inevitable

After two days of not being able to upload the video, I quit and demand that you use your imagination. My apologies.

The snow came down in buckets (5 inches) overnight and school was called off. Being the bad parent that I am, I have yet to open the blinds covering our windows. What this means is that the boys have no idea that it is a winter wonderland outside. Yes, I am bad.

We have probably around seven pairs of gloves...somewhere. I do not know where they are. I imagine that a couple of pairs may be locked in our frozen van. I'm not going to go outside until I have a better idea of where all their "snow gear" is, what little we have. We may be making good use of the few plastic grocery sacks we have left!

So, to bring some warmth into the house we're watching Madagascar. The best part of the movie is when the lemurs do their "I like to move it!" dance. Charlie likes to partake. This is video of him dancing to it.

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