Thursday, December 18, 2008

~Happy Holidays~

The day before the kids get out for Christmas break, the three classes put on a performance of the Nativity and then sing a few Christmas carols.

The thing is, they don't tell the kids about it until about ten minutes before they perform.

It's probably a good strategy, because I imagine there are some shy kids who may not show up, or some outgoing kids who would fight over being Mary & Joseph. Louie ended up being a shepherd, which he was very excited about, and Benny wore nothing. Well, no costume. He could have been an angel or a sheep (the 3-year-old options), but he refused to put on anything. No big surprise.

Grandma R. came with us to see the show, the only one where two Hess kids are a part of it. Of course as Murphy's law would have it, the battery for the camcorder was dead so there is no video to document the occasion.

Benny coming in, following Harper the sheep and Nora the angel is after him.

Pastor Pat with Joseph, Mary getting denied by the Inn Keeper.

This little girl worked hard for her job. She held the star up high during the whole show.

The Three Wise Men make an appearance. Is it just me, or does the one on the right look like a Dr.Evil in training?

Louie the shepherd is checking out the star that the Wise Men are following. His friend Jonah watches, too.

Charlie was annoyed that the show wasn't on a stage. Parents kept popping up, making it hard to see what was going on. Maybe his mommy should have come earlier to get a front-row seat.

Miss Sue, kindly helping Benny be a part of the show.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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